Wednesday, April 14, 2004

81 Women not on Board

The Ethical Investment Research Service reports that women make up only 7% of company directors in developed countries according to a snapshot in the USAToday April 14.

So I went to the website of EISR--had trouble tracking this down, but finally found something close in an August 2003 press release. It reported that 5.8% of the directors of European companies are women; 53.6% of the companies have no women directors. I couldn't find a specifically "developed countries" category or article which would include USA.

The glass ceiling is certainly in place in top leadership, however. Take a look at the annual reports you get from the companies in which you invest; look carefully at the names and photos. Women appear in fairly predictable areas, like vice associate CEO for human relations. There are usually more Asian and Black men on boards of directors than there are women, although sometimes there is a "two-fer" a Black Woman. Women, however, are the investors most concerned about ethical investing.

There are 13 people, ranging from pastors to tech services, on the leadership team of our church--all men. So churches, at least this one, aren't showing much leadership in this ethical area.

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