Saturday, October 29, 2005

298 All Men are Liars

This is exerpted from one of Pastor Petersen's Nuggets to pastors, All Men are Liars, and this particular section is about the "children's sermon." Our church has one at the traditional service, and yours does too, probably. He provides an angle that I've never thought of--that it takes us out of the uncomfortable presence of God. I'll have to think about that.

"None of us is rational in what we want or like. We often don't even know what the real issues are. For example, consider the so-called "children's sermon." Children's sermons serve an important liturgical role in the congregations that have them: they take people out of the uncomfortable presence of God. The ceremony of the children's sermon is key thing, that is: the parade. It is about watching all the children march up to the front. It is a chance to relax and laugh and enjoy a little show. But they'll never tell you that. They'll tell you that it is about teaching the faith or involving the children. It is a waste of time to argue about whether or not children's sermons teach the faith or involve the children. Those are not the real points. The people that advocate these things don't care about Doctrine and Practice. They'll say they know what they like but they won't admit that what they really like is the parade. And if you don't like the ceremony, then they will take that to mean that you are against children. Emotionalism rules at every corner. One woman crying at the microphone is all it takes to turn a synodical vote. Wading through all of this and guiding them to the higher ground takes wisdom only God can provide. That wisdom always looks like utter foolishness to men. And through it all is the fundamental reality that you are really no different than them. You just have different issues."

Pastor David Petersen is at Redeemer Lutheran Church (LCMS) in Fort Wayne, IN.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

297 The Pope's first encyclical

At a Catholic blog I read that the first encyclical of the new Pope will be presented on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and will evolve around the theme of the Centrality of Jesus Christ for the life and mission of the Church.

I think that's very smart. Put down some basics. Let the folks know what doing church is all about. There are a few Protestant churches who ought to get on board with that idea. Yesterday I received a plan of organization from a church I used to belong to. I'm not sure why since I haven't received any polity notices from them for years, but perhaps they got the newsletter labels (which I still receive) instead of members' labels. Anyway, it said its mission is to nurture its members, seeking ever to bring them more and more to the stature of maturity in Christ, and to be related, as God's instrument, to the problems and the needs of the world. That was sort of the explanation of the "Great Commission."

I don't know about you, but that would have never brought me to faith. Come to think of it, I didn't have any faith in Jesus Christ when I was a member there.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

296 Christian Film makers of the Future

Check out Rebelution, a blog site by twin teens interested in film for a very exciting look at film making.

Monday, October 24, 2005

295 A Prayer for The President of the United States, and all in Civil Authority

Sometimes, whether you are a red stater or blue stater, you've got a problem with President Bush. Here's a nice neutral prayer from the Daily Office According to the Book of Common Prayer, 1928.

O Lord, our heavenly Father, the high and mighty Ruler of the universe, who dost from thy throne behold all the dwellers upon earth; Most heartily we beseech thee, with thy favour to behold and bless thy servant THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, and all others in authority; and so replenish them with the grace of thy Holy Spirit, that they may always incline to thy will, and walk in thy way. Endue them plenteously with heavenly gifts; grant them in health and prosperity long to live; and finally, after this life, to attain everlasting joy and felicity; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

294 Somebody tell this guy about Jesus!

There's a musician here in Columbus who calls himself "crl + alt + del." He was interviewed for a local paper and said his music is about his "sacred journey". . ."dig deep within my soul, an attempt to exorcise myself of my demons and to find a center and bring back the key that I need to solve the mystery that had become my life."

So what do you find if you reach deep down inside yourself? The BIG YOU!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

293 Schedule of Services, UALC, Columbus, Ohio

This is difficult information to find, I think. So if you live in the Columbus area and are looking for a place to worship, or are visiting from out of town, you might try one of the eleven, yes eleven, worship services at Upper Arlington Lutheran Church, six of which are not in Upper Arlington, because we are a multi-campus congregation. All services are in the sanctuary except those listed as Fellowship Hall--this is important, because some are held at the same time. If you're looking for hymns, you probably don't want to wander into the rock-n-roll service, although it could bless you, too. The sermons in the sanctuary of each location are all preached by the same pastor that day, but the pastors rotate. We have four full time ELCA pastors, and several part-time pastors.

At our original location, 2300 Lytham Road, Upper Arlington, Ohio 43220 we have five services:

Sunday morning
8:30 Traditional (there will be some liturgy and hymns you recognize plus a choir)
9:45 Celebration (I call this happy-clappy, or boomer praise service; you may or may not recognize the music, but it has a beat)
11:00 Traditional
11:15 Xalt in Fellowship Hall (casual, rock-n-roll music, gen-x and grannies both like it)
Sunday evening
5:00 p.m. dinner, worship 5:30 Xalt in Fellowship Hall

Sunday School for adults: 9:45
For children: 9:45 and 11:00 (see signage for age group)

At our worship center that opened in 2000 in the Mill Run Shopping Center area, 3500 Mill Run Drive, Hilliard, Ohio 43026 there are five Sunday morning services:

Sunday morning
8:45 Contemporary (happy, clappy, boomer, etc.)
10:00 Contemporary (deaf interpreter available)
11:00 Xalt in Fellowship Hall (casual, rock-n-roll, etc.)
11:15 Contemporary
11:15 Xalt in Fellowship Hall

Sunday school for adults, 10:00 and 11:15 (these are not classes, but large group lecture/discussions)
For children: 10:00 and 11:15 (see signage for age group)

At our Hilltop location--this is an urban church on the west side of Columbus, 12 South Terrace Avenue, Columbus, 43204

Neighborhood breakfast at the church 8:30
Worship 10:00 (blended)
Sunday school for adults and children at 9:15

All the locations have welcome centers where volunteers should be able to direct you to the right room or service. Don't ask me if you see me--if I didn't have the newsletter in front of me, I probably could only direct you to the church libraries, the rest rooms, or the sanctuaries.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

292 Google's new blog finder

Google has a new feature whereby you can find blogs by the bloggers name, or topic. I tried it with my name and then my name + a topic and found it very easy to use. However, it also makes it easier for the blog spammers to be target specific. These are the "Hi, great blog. Come and visit mine on [your topic]. So I'll have to add the stronger filters to the comments. My topical blogs are all getting hit.