Church news, book reviews, thoughts on spirituality, nudges, and direction, poetry and testimonies. This blog is not updated as frequently as Collecting my Thoughts, where I regularly write.
"We, as Christians, have invited Christ to dwell in us, and I think that when we don't involve God in all the intimacies of our lives, we cause Him great pain. Living prayer is just talking to God about the day-in, day-out stuff.
The ultimate goal of interior design is to create a room that brings joy to and nurtures its occupants. If my soul is Christ's dwelling place, then I need to decorate it so it will nurture Him. I do that through prayer and reading the Bible. That's my inspiration for life and the way I hold Jesus in highest esteem." Laurie Smith, quoted in
"God's Design for My Life," by Julie Martens, Lily; beautiful living through faith, Spring 2006, p. 62-65.
Cedric Poole is blogging on behalf of John Wesley, using his journal.
This has a familiar ring, doesn't it?
Fri 29 Jan: We had our general Quarterly Meeting, whereby it appeared, that the society received and expended about three thousand pounds a year; but our expense still exceeded our income.
I'm part of a prayer group that meets before the services at 7 a.m. to pray about the needs and concerns of the day, the preachers bring the message at our 9 services, and our various missions and leadership. Last Sunday morning the lights kept flickering, but held during the 8:15 traditional service and the 9:30 celebration service. But at the 11 a.m. traditional service the lights went out in the building, according to Pastor John. "Allan didn’t miss a beat moving in the dark from the organ to the piano and the ushers collected the offering in the dark. We sang in the dark “This little Light of Mine,” and left to share our light in our neighborhoods."
I've heard this before; pretty funny--if you're Lutheran or Scandanavian. Helen sent it. If you can't get the audio to work, I've added the transcript.
If you are travelin soon, consider Lutran Air, da no-frills airline. You're all in da same boat on Lutran Air, where flyin is an upliftin experience.
Der is no first class on any Lutran Air flight. Meals are potluck. Rows 1-6, bring rolls; 7-15, bring a salad; 16-21, a main dish, and 22-30, a dessert. Basses and tenors please sit in da rear of de aircraft. Everyone is responsible for his or her own baggage. All fares are by freewill offering and da plane will not land 'til da budget is met.
Pay attention to your flight attendant, who will acquaint you with da safety system aboard dis Lutran Air 599. "Okay den, listen up. I'm only gonna say dis once. In de event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, I am frankly going to be real surprised and so will Captain Olson, because we fly right around two tousand feet, so loss of cabin pressure would probably indicate da Second Coming or someting of dat nature, and I wouldn't boder with doze little masks on da rubber tubes. You're gonna have bigger tings to worry about than dat. Just stuff doze back up in dair little holes. Probably da masks fell out because of turbulence which, to be honest wit you, we're going to have quite a bit of at two tousand feet ... sort a like driving across a plowed field; but after a while you get used to it. In de event of a water landing, I'd say, forget it. Start saying da Lord's Prayer and just hope you get to da part about forgive us our sins as we forgive doze who sin against us, which some people say 'trespass against us,' which isn't right, but what can you do?"
De use of cell phones on da plane is strictly forbidden, not because day may interfere with da plane's navigational system, which is by seats of da pants all da way. No, it's because cell phones are a pain in da wazoo, and if God meant you to use a cell phone, He would have put your mout on da side of your head.
We're going to start lunch right about noon and it's buffet style with da coffee pot up front. Den, we'll have da hymn sing; hymnals are in da seat pocket in front of you. Don't take yours wit you when you go or I am going to be real upset and I am not kiddin!
Right now it is time I'll say Grace. "Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest and let deze gifts to us be blessed. Fadar, Son, and Holy Ghost, may we land in Dulut or pretty close. Amen!"
"Since it is mainly on the facts of creation that Paul bases his case for the husband's headship (Eph. 5:22f.), his argument has permanent and universal validity, and is not to be dismissed as culturally limited. The cultural elements of his teaching are to be found in the applications of the principle, in the requirement of 'veiling' certainly, and I think also in the requirement of 'silence'. But the man's (and especially the husband's) 'headship' is not a cultural application of a principle; it is the foundation principle itself. This is not chauvinism, but creationism. The new creation in Christ frees us from the distortion of relations between the sexes caused by the fall (e.g. Gn. 3:16), but it establishes the riginal intention of the creation. It was to this 'beginning' that Jesus himself went back (e.g. Mt. 19:4-6). He confirmed the teaching of Genesis 1 and 2. So must we. What creation established, no culture is able to destroy."
--From "The Message of Ephesians" (The Bible Speaks Today series: Leicester: IVP, 1979), p. 221.
While checking where some of my readers live, I came across the Gardonville Cooperative Telephone Association in MN, and then the West Douglas County Record. It's the kind of community paper I remember from years ago. Pastor Borchardt of the Millersville Trinity Lutheran Church said, "When it hits 30 below I promise I will turn on the furnace." and Micahel Peterson of Chippewa Lutheran in Brandon advises using these cold days to read some life stories in the Bible, particularly that one that's told 4 times. There's also a photo of the school children all bundled up who were sent out side for some exercise and energy burning (looked about 5 below to me).
"When I speak of the audacity of the state, the kind of state I have in mind is what we may call the savior state. The main characteristic of the savior state is that it presents itself as the people’s guardian, as the guarantor of the citizen’s well-being. The savior state is the paternal state, which not only sees to the security of its territory and the enforcement of its laws but also promises to feed, clothe, house, educate, monitor, medicate, and in general to care for its people. Some prefer to call it the nanny state, but that label fails to reckon with its inherently religious character. The savior state does have a religious character, precisely in its paternalism, and may even be comfortable with religious rhetoric."
Upper Arlington Lutheran Church, which has three campuses (Upper Arlington, Hilliard, and Columbus Hilltop area) has for many years used committed, contract groups known as SALT to bring people together in small groups of 8-12. I haven't heard much about SALT groups lately--things are always changing and maybe they aren't the priority they once were. We've been in four groups over the last 35 years and they've all been "the church" for us. SALT means Sharing and Living Together, but I prefer Serving and Learning Together, since we technically don't live together and don't share much, not even location or worship style once we expanded beyond the liturgical service. The two things we do together as a real community is service and education. However, this blog entry is not about style or form, but about history and salt. Today I was reading Christianity in America, A Handbook and came across a little item that the SPCK had helped resettle the Salzburg Lutherans in Georgia when they were expelled from Austria in 1731. I'd never heard of that, so I googled it and learned:"Lutherans took the "salt oath," dipping one finger into a dish of salt or touching a salt block, then placing that finger on their tongue, while raising the other hand to God as Witness of loyalty to God's Word, identifying with Jesus' saying, You are the salt of the earth.(15)
Saltzburg. Salzburg (Salt-city) was an independent city-state founded on the Salzach River in Europe named for a large salt mine discovered by the Celts and, later, the Romans. The additional discoveries of silver, gold, iron, and other ores furthered settlement and prosperity. In 1816 Salzburg was given to Austria.
In 1727 Roman Catholic Count Leopold Anton Eleutherius von Firmian bought the office of Archbishop of Salzburg from the Pope for $75,000.00 (today's exchange) and upon the legal basis of the Peace of Augsburg tried to purify Salzburg of non-Catholic teachings. On October 31, 1731, he signed the Emigrationspatent or Edict of Expulsion for all persons who refused to accept the Roman Catholic faith and published the document on November 11, the anniversary of Luther's baptism. However, Archbishop Firmian was shocked when more than 20,000 citizens were listed as professing Protestant beliefs, but he forced them into exile.
Tradesmen and miners were given only 8 days to dispose of goods. Land owners were given 3 months to sell and leave. All cattle, sheep, land, houses and furniture dumped on the market caused prices to plummet. Catholics bought Protestant goods and lands cheaply. All Protestant Bibles, books and hymnals were burned.
The first Lutheran Salzburgers left, 1731, in a November snowstorm, seeking shelter in Protestant cities in Germany and Prussia. The Protestant King of Prussia, Frederick Wilhelm I of East Prussia and Lithuania, accepted 12,000 Salzburger emigrants.
General James Edward Oglethorpe, wealthy young British Protestant Member of Parliament and philanthropist, was appointed in 1732 to head the new Colony of Georgia and settled there in 1733. Lutheran King George II of England (of German Lutheran extraction) offered aid through the Trustees for the Colony of Georgia to all Salzburgers willing to settle in the new Colony. Support came from Protestants in Augsburg, Germany, and from The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, S. P. C. K., in London. A group of Lutheran Salzburgers and Germans agreed to go to Georgia, organized their congregation at St. Ann's Lutheran Church in Augsburg, Germany, in 1733, then traveled down the Rhine River to Rotterdam, Holland, where they were met by Lutheran pastors, Johann Martin Boltzius, age 31, and Israel Christian Gronau, age 27, who sailed with them to Dover, England, then to Georgia.
On March 3, 1734, the Georgia Salzburger pastors read texts praising God for deliverance after a severe storm at sea nearing the end of their Atlantic voyage on the ship Purysburg. Among these texts was I Samuel 7:12. Samuel placed a stone where God had saved his people from their enemy and named it Eben-Ezer, stone of help.
On March 11-12, 1734, the ship grounded on a sand bar off the coast of Georgia, increasing anxiety of shipwreck. Finally, on March 12, 1734, the first Salzburger immigrants landed safely at Savannah. Later, they were assigned land 25 miles north of Savannah by Gen. Oglethorpe in a swamp on a creek bordering Uchee Indians. The pastors chose the name Eben Ezer, stone of help, or monument to God's protection, and recommended the name to General Oglethorpe, who named the town, its bordering creek, and the Parish, Ebenezer.
Half of the settlers died the first year of disease and Pastor Boltzius asked permission to settle on a high bluff of red clay bordering the Savannah River. Oglethorpe wanted, first, only English settlers on the river, but, later, granted permission and Pastor Boltzius led his flock to the new location of Ebenezer. The two locations are labeled on some maps as Old Ebenezer and New Ebenezer. Pastor Boltzius referred, unofficially, to Old Ebenezer, thus distinguishing their locations. He and Gen. Oglethorpe feared that news of a settlement failure at the old site might cut off funds from both London and Augsburg so they called the new site by the same name, Ebenezer.
Financial support came from Lutheran friends in Germany, from The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge in England and from the Trustees of the Georgia Colony. Theological and Political Roots of Georgia Salzburgers by The Rev. Frank L. Perry, Jr.There is much more to this article, but I thought the "salt" connection was interesting. And the SPCK is still doing good works!The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK) is the oldest Anglican mission agency in the world, founded by Thomas Bray in 1698. Working to fulfill his vision to "promote religion and learning" and to "propagate Christian knowledge," The USA chapter of SPCK, SPCK/USA, has been expanding the mission of SPCK since 1983.
The pastor, speaking on stewardship, says: "I have some good news, and some bad news. The good news is that we have all the money we need to do the work God is calling us to do! The bad news is that much of that money is in your pockets..."
Preferring truth to custom, the better to the good, adapt to adopt, reform to revolution, solutions to goals, knowledge to awareness, faith to spirituality. The rules.