Saturday, January 22, 2005

232 What Christian Aid workers are keeping to themselves

Sure, it is tongue in cheek--the article at Scrappleface about how the tsunami victims suspect the Christian aid workers are keeping something to themselves--the Good News, probably.
"If these Christians are keeping some sort of good news to themselves," said the U.N. staffer, "this is a very serious charge and could bring harsh U.N. sanctions."

One man, who lost his whole family to the tsunami, said, "I want the food and water, but I need whatever it is that would bring people halfway around the world to help strangers, and do it with such joy and hope. You can't live on bread alone."
There are plenty of good-hearted, concerned people of various faiths donating to general, non-religious NGO relief agencies. There are also "Christian in-name-only" groups and Christian groups using local non-Christian aid/relief agencies to get supplies in place that are withholding the Good News, the Gospel of Jesus Christ for salvation. They are misrepresenting themselves to their Christian donors.

I wasn't a bit pleased when I discovered, in the thank-you letter, that my contribution to a solid Christian aid organization was then redistributed through Church World Service, an arm of the National Council of Churches. CWS is probably one of the most inefficient, highest-overhead groups, paying its top people enormous salaries. I deliberately chose NOT to send it my donation for relief, but it went to them any way.

Next time I'll ask a few more questions.

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